In pop-up weddings, Wedding Trends

pros and cons of a winter wedding

Winter weddings are a beautiful way to celebrate love, but just like anything else, they come with some downsides. Here are the pros and cons of a winter wedding, compiled by our very own expert pop-up wedding planners.


Save Money

Who doesn’t love to save a few bills on wedding expenses? Since winter isn’t prime marriage season, prices are usually lower. 

Pretty Snow

Using the pristine white snow as a backdrop is a gorgeous way to set the scene for wedding pictures. 

Top Vendor Choices

Fewer people choose to have weddings in the winter, which means the better vendors aren’t so booked up. First dibs!  


Bad Weather

Unfortunately, the cold season can bring bad enough weather to curb your wedding plans. From snowstorms and ice to just plain too cold, you might have to push through or reschedule.

Limited Flower Options

Floral winter options are limited, as fewer flowers are blooming.

Poor Traveling Conditions

Family and friends may not be able to trek across the country if poor weather comes around on your wedding date.

At the end of the day, the pros and cons of a winter wedding leave you with something to think about. But whether you go with one or not, check out our all-inclusive Pop-Up Wedding Packages. They’re budget-friendly, stress-free, and make a world of difference when it comes to your perfect wedding day. Choose one today!

Want more? Check out How to Plan a Budget Holiday Pop-Up Wedding.